My intentions for this trip

My main objective for this trip is to build my faith and the faith of others. I want to show people that God is real and there is still Love out there in this crazy world. I have no schedule and no plan on what lies ahead. What happens each day is entirely up to our God the Father. God Bless. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011

There's no reason why I shouldn't be happy

Whenever I get down, I usually think about how fortunate my life has really been. A lot of us have it a lot better than others. We take so many things for granted. We get upset over the smallest things. It makes me sick to think about the things people stress out about. Don't people realize that there are other things going on in this world that are far worst than the things going on in our lives. There are people suffering in other countries because they don't have enough water. There are people dying because of it. There also also girls getting kidnapped all over the world being sold as sex slaves. There are countries where you can't even follow Jesus without being persecuted. There are people who are born handicapped. There are homeless people all over. There are thugs who go out and randomly shoot people. All these things and more go on everyday. What do we do about it? We sit selfishly worrying about our jobs and how much money were making. What kind of food were gonna eat tonight or what clothes were going to wear. We get stressed out about the weather or the bills we gotta pay. We let these littles things get to us when others would and do die to live as we do. All I'm saying is praise God for how great I really have it. I couldn't ask for anymore than what he has already given me. I am so thankful and feel most of us should be too. Praise the lord.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My belief about seeing Gods works

A lot of people Who don't believe in God say they don't ever see God work in their lives. They say things like " why should I trust God if he hasn't done anything for me" or "I've been praying and asking God for this and I don't have it". A lot of times, it's just bad things that happen and people like to blame God wondering why would God who controls everything, let bad things happen. You see the more and more I seek God, I come to realize why God does certain things. I believe the way God works is not show me miracles and I'll believe, it's I believe so he shows me miracles! I just don't believe God wants to provide miracles to people who don't put their trust in him. Would you give someone $100 who called you a liar and didn't trust you? I highly doubt it? And how much more valuable is a miracle than $100. Very much so. All I'm saying is put your trust in God and lean not on your own understanding. Then you will see the amazing things God will do for you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

God shows me something new everyday

I don't understand why we as humans do some of the things we do. It seems to me that a lot of the time we argue just to argue. Why cant we just get along and debate things without getting angry. I find myself too often getting upset at pointless things and not realizing it till afterwards. I do believe though that the stronger my faith gets, the less I will let myself get angry. God continues to show me these things even though at times I don't honor him. That's because he loves us with an undying love. Imagine the things he will show us when we are living our lives 100% according to his will. That is the day I look forward to. Till then I will thank God for every breath and every heartbeat. Praise God.

Monday, March 28, 2011

A little revelation I had today

I was thinking earlier about people who claim to be christians but are not and being able to judge a person by their fruit. It doesn't mean we should go judging people but Jesus said in Matthew 7:15-16 "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them." NIV. To me, ones fruit is their actions. There are a lot of people in this world who try to take advantage of people. We need to be able to identify these things so that we don't fall into their traps. We also need to bear good fruit ourselves. It came to me that a lot of people like to judge themselves by their wisdom and knowledge and not by their fruit. I say wisdom without actions is just a book. You see because the bible has all and everything in it we need but if it gets put in a closet without actions, what good is it? In the same way, If we do a lot of studying of the word of God but don't put it into action, we are just as useful as a book in the closet. Not at all. We need to both study and learn the word of God and then go out into the world and live our lives according to the word. That way people can look upon us christians and say "Wow, that's the life I want." How can we as Christians bring more people into the kingdom of heaven if our tree bears bad fruit. When you go to the orchard, do you not pick apples off the good trees and steer clear of the rotten ones. In the same way we will be judged. Lets make our fruit desirable so we make wider the path to heaven.  Amen!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Jesus is perfect

I'm so thankful to have Christ in my life. I was once a lost soul. I once was a very big sinner. I've done a lot of crazy things in my life. I used to party quite a bit. I've broken laws. I used to do these things because I thought it was what cool people did. I was apart from God and I let Satan control my actions. I take full responsibility for my actions. Then something amazing happened. I got to receive a gift that only God could give. His son! Jesus died so that I could forget my sins and start a new life. I no longer party. I have gotten rid of all my debts. I have my license now which I had lost in LA. I live a completely different lifestyle than I did before. Praise God. Don't get me wrong though, I still have flaws and I still get caught up in sin at times. The great thing is that I'm on a path with God towards purity. A path only God can lead. You see Jesus was a perfect son. In Ephesians 5:1 it says be imitators of God. I believe that we should all strive to be like him. Its not fully attainable because he's God. But I believe as being reborn as Christians, we can make our new selves reach Christ like faith. I'm defiantly not going to give up trying. He is the way and the life. I owe my life to God. Thank you Jesus for you. Amen.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Last night I decided that I was going start praying for the Holy Spirit to completely take over my body. I am going to continue to pray for that every night as long as I can. I already felt more of the Holy Spirit today than I ever have. Praise God. I suggest we all pray for that. What better way to receive something than to ask the only one capable of giving it to us? God!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Another day in the world

It's very hard to live of the world and still be happy. I don't understand how people do it. How can people actually live day to day doing jobs they don't like just so they can make money? Is it really worth the effort? I personally don't think so. I can't stand it and I can't wait to be leaving it all behind. Most stress and depression is self inflicted anyway. I know this because it's everywhere I look. It's not what happens to you that makes you worry or stress. It's how you perceive it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Getting some Gear

Today was an easy day at work. After work I went to Dicks Sporting Goods and bought a tent and a sleeping bag. The sleeping bag weighs like a pound but the tent is a little heavier than I wanted. That's ok though because I think I am going to attach it to my bicycle frame. All I need now is my solar powered battery charger. I haven't set and exact date yet but soon I should be able to. In the next couple of days I am going to compose a letter to my clients. I have just recently started to get some handyman business and I have a few good clients I am going to inform about my trip. I don't want to just up and leave without letting them know.

Again today I have been thinking about how a lot of people in this world live selfishly. Pride gets in the way of God and happiness. Too many people strive to be rich. I wish people could see that wealth doesn't come from money, It comes from happiness. I know that people think they can be happy without God (which may be true to an extent) but they cant be happy without God and still make it to heaven for eternity. There's only two types of people in this world in my eyes, people who believe in God and people who don't believe in God yet. You see because there will be a day where you will die and when you stand before God, you will have to believe. I just pray that you get a chance to meet him before that day so you can have happiness forever.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Counting down the days

Today I rode for about 15 miles. It's so great to have God on my side. I find myself sometimes letting the world discourage me but then God gives me the strength I need to keep going. With God, there is no limitations. I feel unstoppable. As the days go by, I get more and more pumped up for my trip. I need to keep my focus on Jesus Christ though because if I don't, then I know that Satan will bring me down. It is also so good to have fellow friends that are with me and encourage me for this trip. I feel so blessed. Praise God.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bike for Christ

Where to begin? I am 24 years old and currently live in New Albany, Ohio where I grew up all of my life. I am a new follower of Jesus Christ going on about a year now. I have three older brothers. I currently finish basements and also do handyman work on the side for donations. I am a very deep thinker and I observe the world daily as it corrupts itself. I find myself wanting to make a difference in this world and make life a little better for the people around me. Money is a big thing that majority of people struggle with. Its either we don't have enough of it or we have too much and it corrupts us. Why can't we all start living for each other and help each other out. The more and more I ponder about these things, the more and more I put my faith in Jesus Christ. You see there was once a time where I was like a lot of other people in this world. I too denied Christ and didn't listen to fellow Christians when they talk to me about God. At that time I just didn't want to hear it. I thought my life was good enough as it was. I thought I was a good person. The thing is that I was a good person but I just didn't know why at the time. Now I realize that its because of God that I'm a good person. It's the fact that he gave his son on the cross for me that I get to live in this world and be a born again christian. Being born again just means receiving Christ and leaving your old self behind.

I have decided that I disapprove of the worlds ways so much that I am going to give it all up and go on a journey. My goal is to further my faith in the one and only God and help others to see his miracles. My plan is to drop everything and take a Bicycle ride around the US. It will be happening in about a month and a half. I have gotten rid of all debts and will have no bills. My brother and sister in law are blessing me with an iPhone completely paid for. I will use it for navigation and blogging. I have my first destination scheduled for Middletown Connecticut. My best friend Conrad lives there and has offered me a place to stay for how ever long. After that I will be going wherever God takes me. I will be visiting numerous churches and devoting all of my time getting into the word(bible). I will be building my trust in the lord. I'm by far not perfect and still at times doubt God. That's why I will be going on this trip to build my faith and the faith of others. God bless those who follow my journey.

Mike Baker