My intentions for this trip

My main objective for this trip is to build my faith and the faith of others. I want to show people that God is real and there is still Love out there in this crazy world. I have no schedule and no plan on what lies ahead. What happens each day is entirely up to our God the Father. God Bless. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How great the Holy Spirit is

Today was an amazing day at church. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit more than ever. I was so overtaken by the spirit of God that I could of done anything. Then I came home and realized something horrible. Just as fast as God can fill you with the Holy Spirit, Satan can take it away from you. I was in tears of joy on the way home today. Praise God. The only way I can keep the Holy Spirt in me is to pick up my cross daily and follow Jesus. I need to be reading my bible every second I can. Do you understand that the trinity is the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit? So that means that we have the same spirit in us that rose Jesus from the dead. Doesn't that make us part of the Trinity? We are Gods mouths. When we get filled with that spirit and tell people the good news about Jesus Christ, we are speaking for our GOD. It doesn't get any better than that. Thats more powerful than anything you can imagine. Our God loves everyone of us. Don't forget it!

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